Whether we’re patrolling, training, providing mine risk education or conducting medical rescue operations: multinational soldiers of EUFOR work together to help to maintain what is important to you, your friends, family and all other human beings: the ability to live your safely.

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A ceremony of remembrance was held on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at Camp Butmir to mark the 13th anniversary of a helicopter crash which claimed the lives of 11 EUFOR personnel from the Republic of North Macedonia.

On 12th January 2008, a military helicopter carrying troops home from the EUFOR mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina crashed near its final destination of Skopje. Tragically, all 11 personnel on board were killed.

Taking part in the ceremony were COMEUFOR, Major General Reinhard Trischak and the Ambassador of the Republic of North Macedonia, His Excellency Mr Ekrem Ebibi. During the ceremony, soldiers from EUFOR formed an Honour Guard by the memorial stone. Wreaths were laid and eleven candles were lit to signify the lives lost.


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For further information contact:
Public Affairs Office: Mrs Elma Robovic
Office: 00387 (0) 33 495 393
Mobile: 00387 (0) 61 219 097
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EUFOR Spokesperson: Captain Stephen Byrne
00387 (0) 3349 5216
00387 (0) 61 472 931
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