EUFOR Operation Althea, 15 Years of Success
EUFOR Operation Althea commemorates the fifteenth year of the mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 2 December 2019 and it is only right that we look back at the achievements both EUFOR and the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina have made during this time.
During this anniversary period we highlight some of the successes EUFOR Operation ALTHEA has had over the last 15 years in helping to promote a climate in which the peace process can continue.
Ready. Strong. United. Reliable.
A selection of photographs highlighting memorable moments from 15 Years of EUFOR

Troops from EUFOR’s Multinational Battalion frequently conduct training with their partners in the Armed Forces BiH. Excellent cooperation has always been a hallmark of this relationship.

On Monday 6th March 2006 the first harvested weapons destruction of the year was conducted by EUFOR at a steel factory in Zenica. 268 rifles, submachine guns and pistols, as well as 500 magazines and two bayonets were destroyed.

2008 was a very sad year for EUFOR when 15 soldiers died in two separate helicopter accidents. The lives of 11 soldiers from North Macedonia, 2 from Germany and 2 from Spain were tragically lost during these helicopter crashes.

On 13th October 2010 the first regional qualifiers of the hugely popular EUFOR cup kicked off in the Borik Sports Centre in Banja Luka.

Throughout the summer season in 2013, EUFOR assisted the local agencies and community in the fight against the massive forest fires which raged across Bosnia and Herzegovina. EUFOR Helicopters were used to drop water in areas that were difficult to access using other means.

During the record breaking snow falls in 2012 EUFOR provided support to BiH and its people. Personnel and helicopters were involved in providing food, medical supplies and evacuation from endangered areas. EUFOR’s troops also helped to clear the snow from roads.

On June the 11th at the 2012 kid’s festival Turkish troops from EUFOR’s Multinational Battalion educated the children about the danger of mines. EUFOR was one of the main sponsors of the annual week long kid’s festivals which were based in Sarajevo.

In May 2014 during the disaster relief exercise ‘Joint Effort 14’. A EUFOR helicopter is used to evacuate civilians from an area which was cut off by flooding. Excellent cooperation between EUFOR, the AFBiH and Civil Authorities ensured those in most danger got the assistance they required.

In May 2014 EUFOR and the Armed Forces of BiH transformed their annual military exercise ‘Quick Response’ into the disaster relief exercise ‘Joint Effort 14’. The aim was to assist civilians in areas affected by the floods and landslides. Troops, helicopters, trucks and engineering equipment were quickly diverted to complete this important role.

On the 13th June 2017 a team from EUFOR and the Armed Forces of BiH attended Kindergarten Višnjik in Sarajevo to provide Mine Risk Education to a class of 60 children aged between 4 and 5 years old.

The EUFOR Capacity Building and Training project was started in 2010 and concluded in 2018 with over 5000 soldiers attending training courses. It provided the BiH authorities with military expertise and technical support.

On the 23rd of September 2019 an Antonov 124 flew in to Sarajevo International Airport bringing vehicles and troops from the United Kingdom to join EUFOR’s annual exercise Quick Response, where the capability of quickly reinforcing in country troops with reserve forces from partner countries is tested.

As the sun sets over Camp Butmir, Austrian troops from the 6th Mountain Warfare Brigade finish a long day’s integration training with EUFOR’s Multinational Battalion during the preparation for Exercise Quick Response 2019.

During Exercise Quick Response 2019, the Turkish Company of EUFOR’s Multinational Battalion ready themselves to deal with a violent protest scenario at Sarajevo International Airport in the early hours of Thursday 10th October.

The personnel who serve on EUFOR’s Operation Althea not only work together with international troops from all the contributing nations, but also enjoy close relationships with their opposite numbers in the Armed Forces BiH and the BiH Law Enforcement Agencies.

The Operation Althea medal was first presented in 2004 and is a version of the Common Security and Defence Policy Service Medal. It is inscribed with the Latin phrase “Pro pace unum”, which translates as “United for peace”. It is presented to all EUFOR troops who have served the requisite time on the mission.