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Commander EUFOR, Major General Reinhard Trischak, led a ceremony unveiling a new memorial dedicated to the remembrance of all fallen soldiers of the Bosnian War.

The event was attended by Major General Gojko Knežević of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Mijo Krešić, Deputy Minister of Defence of BiH for Policy and Planning, Mr. Mirko Okolić,Deputy Minister of Defence of BiH for Resources and Brigadier General William J. Edwards, Commander NATO HQ Sarajevo.

During his speech COM EUFOR pointed out the poignancy of remembering the sacrifices of the past but also optimism as the country has moved forward since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement.

Unveiling the memorial stone he stated “This stone should always remind us of the ultimate sacrifice of men and women in uniform, who gave their lives in the fight for what they believed in.

“The Armed Forces of BiH are the most trusted security provider in the country. They are also an excellent example for a unified and multi-ethnic force operating for the benefit of all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Commander EUFOR leads commemoration of fallen soldiers

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