Whether we’re patrolling, training, providing mine risk education or conducting medical rescue operations: multinational soldiers of EUFOR work together to help to maintain what is important to you, your friends, family and all other human beings: the ability to live your safely.

With the medical repatriations that have taken place during the last week, there are currently no EUFOR personnel at Camp Butmir with a confirmed COVID-19 infection. As a precautionary measure, individuals that were in close contact with the previous cases remain in isolation at Camp Butmir until medical clearance is given, and to date none are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 at this time.

At EUFOR we are committed to mitigate the risks associated with COVID-19 for our staff and communities in BiH, both in Camp Butmir and at LOT Houses throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. The welfare of BiH citizens is just as important to us as EUFOR’s civilian workforce and military element.

Wearing face masks when performing duties outside, phone and video conferences instead of face-to-face meetings, frequent workspace disinfection, working from home for many of the BiH civilian staff and closure of cafes and welfare facilities on the base since last week are just some of the measures employed. All this contributes to reduce movement of people and the potential exposure to and spread of the virus.

EUFOR is well aware of its responsibility as an international military force. With the situation evolving, employed measures are continuously evaluated and adapted in view of the recommendations of the World Health Organisation, for the wellbeing of everyone.