The COM EUFOR International Boxing Event had been proposed by our Dutch comrades and the event was to see a number of fighters put to both a mental and physical test in Camp Butmir’s arena. Following weeks of meticulous planning by trainers and EUFOR staff the event was set, the fighters were ready and the bell was edging to launch the first match.

COM EUFOR’s International Boxing Gala

Fighters from various nations including Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands and Bosnia and Herzegovina had honed their skills and conditioned themselves for the grueling matches ahead. Referees, Judges, Ring Speaker, Timekeeper and Supervisors descended on Camp Butmir from across Europe to officiate the event. Final planning was completed and with the ties decided upon and with the stage set; members throughout the Camp eagerly awaited the coming of the big day.

Excitement Builds
On 27 September 2024, a blanket of excitement and thrill fell over Camp Butmir. The hotly awaited COM EUFOR’s International Boxing Gala had finally come upon us. Throughout the day offices and coffee shops were gripped in anticipation as in but a few hours 18 brave souls would enter the arena and do battle to the cheers of adoring fans and with the goal of leaving the ring as champion. For the organizers and boxers the hours of the day were-filled with pre-match briefs, final moments of focus and mental preparation for the event ahead.

As fans poured into Hanger 2 and eagerly took their places, they were met with true boxing royalty, as former IBF Featherweight Champion of the World; István “KOKO” Kovács entered the VIP area. While the DJ filled the hanger with music and the audience was treated to some boxer action from across the world and eras, the fighters backstage readied themselves for a performance of a lifetime. With the anticipation building in the crowd, COM EUFOR opened the event and during his speech remarked that the preparation process, the execution and the spirit of this boxing gala represents all guiding principles that have been set for EUFOR personnel, namely impartiality, unity, cooperation, integrity, credibility and progress. With his speech ended and the event official opened, the time had come for the competitors to take center stage.

COM EUFOR’s International Boxing Gala

As the Ring Speaker, Péter M. Takács, introduced the first match, the audience took to their feet. Both fighters approached the ring buoyed by inspirational walk out music. Having exchanged the necessary pleasantries, they took their places and awaited the bell to ring and battle to begin. The first four fights saw the gladiators undergo a test of strength, stamina and mental endurance. Back and forth spectacles brought cheers and gasps of admiration from the on looking crowd. Such a feast of physical challenge and endurance from each competitor was a remarkable feat. Each competitor was awarded by waves of applauds, and each match concluded with the announcement of the result and trophies delivered by Brigadier General Matthew A. Valas, Commander of NHQ Sa, Ljubiša Ćosić, Mayor of Istočno Sarajevo, Brigadier General Lorenzo Dal Maso, DCOM EUFOR and Enes Karić, Director of the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH. As the intermission began, fans were treated to the opportunity to listen and ask questions of István Kovács on his career and outlook of world boxing.

This was followed by a walk down memory lane as fans had the chance to watch highlights from a number of boxing matches of the past, from Ali to Mayweather. Throughout the event and intermission spectators were fortunate to experience the drinks and food provided by Royale and the Armed Forces of BiH. With the ending of the intermission, the action was once again underway. Another five matches once more brought the arena of Hanger 2 to its feet while the cheers and roars of the fans rang around its inner walls.

Not to be outdone by the first four matches, the final five were as competitive and fierce as their predecessors were. When the dust had finally settled on the canvas and winners declared, the trophies were handed over to the fighters by Major General Mirzet Lubenović, Commander of the Operational Command of the Armed Forces of BiH, János Wisinger, Director of the Hungarian show ‘Star Box’, Colonel Milorad Krajšumović, Commander of the 6th Infantry Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Pim Fretz, Senior National Representative of the Netherlands and István “KOKO” Kovács. Finally, the event moved into its closing ceremony.

COM EUFOR’s International Boxing Gala

Closing Ceremony
During the closing ceremony, under the spotlight in the center of the ring, COM EUFOR Major General Sticz thanked everyone for their contribution and participation in the event and for their fighting spirit. He also awarded those who contributed the most to the realization of this fantastic night. The success of the event owes so much to so many, we wish to thank all the competitors, Referees, Judges, Ring Speaker, Timekeeper, Supervisors, organizers and fans for making the event a truly special occasion in Camp Butmir and for EUFOR.

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