Commander of EUFOR Major General László Sticz and Deputy Commander of EUFOR Brigadier General Lorenzo Dal Maso opened our new Liaison Observation Team (LOT) House at Drvar today, following months, if not years, of hard work, dedication, and unwavering determination.

EUFOR opens its twentieth LOT House in Drvar

During his speech at the opening ceremony, Commander of EUFOR Major General László Sticz stated, “The core of the concept of Liaison and Observation Teams is the idea and need to understand local necessities, difficulties and goals. Our aim is to build lasting relationship with the local population in all sectors and we are convinced that our efforts will meet these requirements”. Commander of EUFOR also expressed his gratitude to Italy “for providing the required means and consistent support for making today’s opening ceremony possible”.

LOT Houses are a vital link between EUFOR and the hosting civilian society in an impartial, open and transparent manner. Through sustained liaison with local communities, international organizations, NGOs and government agencies in their area of responsibility, LOT Houses provide continuing reassurance to local communities; demonstrate enduring commitment of EUFOR and the International Community to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The new LOT House is a manifestation of EUFOR’s shared vision to promote progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

With the opening of the LOT House in Drvar, Italy joins Austria, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland and Türkiye to operate LOT Houses and engage with local leaders and communities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Members of the Drvar LOT are Carabinieri, members of the national gendarmerie of Italy. In Italy, Carabinieri are known for their ability to be in close contact with citizens, developing strong bonds with local communities and strengthening the relationship between institutions and population.

The ceremonial event was attended – among others – by Independent Inspector Džon Čurčić, Commander of Drvar Police and Senior Inspector Marko Žižić, Mr. Alexander White, Head of OSCE Field Office in Drvar, Brigadier General Gianluca Feroce, commander of the 2nd Carabinieri Mobile Brigade, representatives of the Town Hall in Drvar and members of the LOT community.

We are delighted to be able to open this new LOT House, our twentieth, in Drvar and look forward to engaging with the community and local authorities to create a long-standing contribution to a safe and secure environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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