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EUFOR is saddened to learn about the news regarding the accident of one of the helicopters of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AF BiH). We are relieved that the 4-member crew survived and we wish a speedy recovery for the injured.

In clarification of earlier media reports, the incident was during a joint AF BiH and Civil Protection Administration of Konjic Municipality field exercise and not part of EUFOR’s “Quick Response” exercise. This year’s exercise “Quick Response” is not participated by troops or equipment from AF BiH.

EUFOR izražava žaljenje nakon saopštenja o nesreći koja se odnosi na helikopter Oružanih snaga BiH (OS BiH). Drago nam je da je četvoročlana posada preživjela nesreću, a povrijeđenima želimo brzi oporavak.

U vezi ranijih objava u medijima, želimo pojasniti da se nesreća dogodila tokom terenske vježbe OS BiH i Službe civilne zaštite Općine Konjic, a ne u sklopu vježbe “Brzi odgovor“ EUFOR-a. Vojnici i oprema OS BiH nisu uključeni u ovogodišnju vježbu “Brzi odgovor.“