Commander EUFOR Major General László Sticz hosted Head of EU Delegation and EU Ambassador and Special Representative Johann Sattler at Camp Butmir. Head of EUD and EUSR Ambassador Johann Sattler will finish his assignment in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the coming weeks.

COM EUFOR hosted Ambassador Johann Sattler at Camp Butmir

Commander EUFOR Major General László Sticz took the opportunity to express his gratitude to Ambassador Sattler for his support and political guidance in issues related to EUFOR’s operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the benefit and well-being of all citizens of the country.

He emphasized that he appreciated the ambassador’s availability and openness in discussing a variety of issues and their shared mutual interests under the European Union’s Integrated Approach to Bosnia and Hercegovina.

COM EUFOR hosted Ambassador Johann Sattler at Camp Butmir

He wished the ambassador success in his future professional endeavours and new assignment aimed at promoting peace and stability in the immediate neighbourhood of the European Union, and for enhanced security in the entire Western Balkans region.