Whether we’re patrolling, training, providing mine risk education or conducting medical rescue operations: multinational soldiers of EUFOR work together to help to maintain what is important to you, your friends, family and all other human beings: the ability to live your safely.


TEME Magazine

EUFOR Forum #110
July-August 2018 
EUFOR Forum #109
April-June 2018 
EUFOR Forum #109
February-March 2018 
EUFOR Forum #107   EUFOR Forum #106 EUFOR Forum #105 
EUFOR Forum #107
Nov 17/Jan 2018 
EUFOR Forum #106
September/October 2017 
EUFOR Forum #105
July/August 2017 
EUFOR Forum #104  EUFOR Forum #103  EUFOR Forum #102 
EUFOR Forum #104
May/June 2017 
EUFOR Forum #103
March/April 2017 
EUFOR Forum #102
January/February 2017 
EUFOR Forum #101  EUFOR Forum #100  EUFOR Forum #99 
EUFOR Forum #101
November/December 2016 
EUFOR Forum #100
September/October 2016 
EUFOR Forum #99
July/August 2016 
EUFOR Forum #98 EUFOR Forum #97 EUFOR Forum #96
EUFOR Forum #98
May/June 2016
EUFOR Forum #97
March/April 2016
EUFOR Forum #96
January/February 2016