During an awards ceremony held in Camp Butmir, Commander of EUFOR Major General László Sticz presented members of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Law Enforcement Agencies and Sarajevo Airport with awards to acknowledge the role and assistance they gave to EUFOR during its annual Quick Response exercise. Commander EUFOR was accompanied by Chief of the Joint Staff of BiH Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Gojko Knežević for the ceremony.

COM EUFOR presented members of the AF BiH, Law Enforcement Agencies and Sarajevo Airport with awards

The ceremony was attended by Mayor of Brčko District Prim. Dr. Zijad Nišić, Mr. Sretoja Vujanović, Deputy Chief of Police Administration and Mr. Sanjin Šakić, Chief of Department for International Co-operation, Mr. Admir Katica Minister of Internal Affairs of Canton Sarajevo and Mr. Alan Bajić Director of the Sarajevo International Airport.

The ceremony began with a minute silence in remembrance of the victims of the recent flooding in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathies go to all those affected during this terrible time. EUFOR will continue to stand with and support the people of BiH.

Commander EUFOR, Major General László Sticz, expressed his own sympathies with the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina during his speech to the ceremony,

“I would like to start my speech with expressing my deepest condolences and solidarity with those families who suffered a great loss in the devastating events of last week”.

He emphasized the importance of cooperation on different levels between EUFOR Althea and the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to move forward together during these times.

Twelve awards were given out by Commander EUFOR, six to members of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, five to members of the police and one to the director of security in Sarajevo Airport. Commander EUFOR noted, “Today I would like to acknowledge and award this vital support without which the success of the exercise could not have come into being.”

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