It is the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action. It’s a day to on one hand remember the numerous victims of mines and on the another hand to raise the awareness that there is still an existing risk of mines and still challenging way ahead of us to meet the goals laid out in certain international conventions to achieve a mine free BiH.
On behalf of EUFOR Commander Major General Wessely I have to state that one of EUFOR’s main tasks deriving from the EUFOR mission’s mandate is to monitor the clearance of minefields and in this way ensure a safe and secure environment. EUFOR remains committed to supporting local mine action authorities and to remain an active partner in mine action to achieve the goals set out in certain conventions.
EUFOR also delivers through its LOT structure mine risk education to the most vulnerable groups. EUFOR acts within the EU family as a technical advisor regarding matters in mine action to the EU delegation here in BiH. Together with the EU family EUFOR is increasing the capacity of the BiH Armed forces demining battalion and facilitated the implementation of a new European Union financial instrument called European peace facility. Using ten million euro out of this European peace facility, the AF BiH Demining battalion soon will receive 150 metal detectors and 68 special vehicles. EUFOR remain committed with its local partners and partners of the international community to achieve all those goals.