On Wednesday 8th of December 2021 Chief Of Staff (COS EUFOR), Brigadier General Szilárd Gerőfi, continued his planned visits to the Armed Forces BiH by watching the Camp Dubrave in vicinity of International Airport Tuzla.
First he conducted at the HQ a productive discussion with the 5th Infantry Brigade`s Commander, Colonel Emir Kliko who has been the Commander since 2019.
Colonel Kliko explained that the main task of the Brigade is to conduct operations in defending of BiH sovereignty, territorial integrity and its citizens within the allocated Area of Operation. In addition to this they participate in Peace Support Operations and provide assistance to civil authorities in case of natural and other disasters.
It was also mentioned that the Combined Training with EUFOR is well appreciated and supported but disaster relief type of trainings would be very useful to meet prescribe tasks of the Brigade increasing AFBiH visibility and appreciation within the society.
Following the in this case customary gift giving ceremony, they inspected the base where a Reconnaissance Company, a Signal and a Military Police platoon are located. Unfortunately bad news that the predicted budget for the 5th Brigade for 2022 is only about half of the amount of the 2021 and this will admittedly affect the next year`s planned activities. This meeting again enhanced the already strong links between EUFOR and AFBiH.