EUFOR has hosted a conference to assess the capacity building and training requirements of AFBiH at Camp Butmir, Sarajevo.
EUFOR’s Chief of Staff, Brigadier General András Szűcs, delivered a welcome address to the conference attendees, who included senior personnel from EUFOR and AFBiH, along with representatives from NATO and EU organisations.

EUFOR COS Addresses the Group

The 2-day conference was designed to ensure that the best possible training package is in place for AFBiH.  Attendees reviewed existing training activities and assessed future requirements, ensuring that the training programme is as effective as possible.
EUFOR ‘Embedded Advisory Teams’, who sit within AFBiH Brigades, provided feedback on their activities and suggested opportunities for future training activities.
Finally, the conference members reviewed lessons learned from courses carried out in 2014 and came to a number of recommendations.
EUFOR’s capacity building and training programme is designed to develop the skills and capabilities of AFBiH in a number of areas including peace support operations, ammunition management, communications and engineering.