EUFOR MNBN Hungarian Company at the start of their training march

EUFOR MNBN Hungarian Company at the start of their training march

The MNBN’s Company from Hungary (H-Coy) organised and led the mountain march, and invited other members of EUFOR who were available to join them in a ‘Man vs. Trebevic’ challenge. In all, approximately 150 EUFOR personnel from various departments took part. While the weather was clear and sunny, it was very cold and the path was covered in ice and up to 60cm of snow in places, which made for good training conditions. As Lieutenant Patrick Moser from the battalion said, ‘The MNBN must be ready to respond in all weathers.’ Major Csaba Szabo, Deputy Commander of the MNBN thought that the 9.5km march up the mountain was worth the effort: ‘the view from the top was great’ he said with a smile.

The participants who were not from the MNBN used the march as physical challenge, and opportunity to exercise in the mountains. Warrant Officer Rafal Alenowicź said that the march had been an excellent opportunity to prove that his sessions in the gym before work had kept him very fit.

However, for the MNBN the mountain march was not simply about keeping fit; it was a training serial for a ‘dismounted patrol’. As Captain Jòzsef Székács, Commanding Officer of the MNBN’s H-Coy explained a dismounted patrol, which is when infantry soldiers conduct a walking patrol carrying their weapons, is an essential skill for the MNBN. As EUFOR’s in-theatre troops, they would respond when necessary if the safe and secure environment in BiH deteriorated. Therefore, the MNBN undertakes some of its training in the mountains, in winter and with weapons to ensure it is ready to respond at all times in line with EUFOR’s mandate in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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