Since EUFOR brought in its IRF (Intermediate Reserve Forces), consisting of approximately 500 additional personnel, the population of BiH can see more patrols across the country. Due to this occasion there were some frequently asked questions arising and EUFOR wants to answer these questions, in a series of seven videos, which will be posted in the upcoming days.

As a continuation of the seven videos, answering the frequently asked questions concerning EUFOR’s IRF (Intermediate Reserve Forces) patrolling, today we would like to answer question number four: “How citizens should approach and communicate with EUFOR patrols?”

As a continuation of the seven videos, answering the frequently asked questions concerning EUFOR’s IRF (Intermediate Reserve Forces) patrolling, today we would like to answer question number two: “What is the reason for the deployment of reserves to BiH?”

In our serial answering the frequently asked questions concerning EUFOR’s Intermediate Reserve Forces (IRF) we would like to answer question number five: “How long EUFOR’s IRF will stay in BiH?"

Today we would like to answer question number three: “Why does EUFOR need to use armoured vehicles in urban areas?"

Today we would like to answer question number six: "Does EUFOR conduct patrols all over BiH and where it is located?"