On Thursday 20 July, AF BiH Demining Battalion in Rajlovac Barracks hosted a screening of a short video reportage produced by EUFOR Public Affairs Office.
A 14 minutes long feature story depicts a day in the life of the AF BiH deminers, but also highlights the overall importance of the work the AF BiH Demining Battalion performs for the security of BiH and all of its citizens.
Protagonists of the reportage, both from the AF BiH and EUFOR, talked about close cooperation of these two organizations in demining efforts, and especially about valuable material support from the EU, helping BiH becoming a safer place, and its deminers being better protected while doing their job.
AF BiH Demining Battalion contributes about 35% to all demining efforts in BiH. EUFOR delegation attending the screening was led by EUFOR Public Affairs Office Chief LtC Alexander Kovacs, Chief EUFOR LNO to AF BiH COL Hajosz Dezso and EUFOR’s Video producer Mr. Almir Berkovac, responsible for production of the reportage.