Today, Wednesday 17th May 2023 COM EUFOR Major General Helmut Habermayer welcomed a Belgian delegation including H.E. Mrs. Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade of the Kingdom of Belgium, Mr. Benjamin Sturtewagen, Head of the Diplomatic Office of Belgium in Sarajevo and Mr. Wouter Detavernier, Deputy Director General European Affairs, Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of Belgium.


On arrival H.E. Mrs. Lahbib received an Honour Guard from members of EUFOR’s Multinational Battalion.

COM EUFOR then held a meeting with the delegation. During their meeting they had a positive discussion surrounding a number of matters including the current security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the engagement of Belgium as a troop contributing nation to EUFOR Operation Althea.

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