On 02 May, COM EUFOR Major General Helmut Habermayer welcomed General Rudolf Striedinger, Austrian Chief of Defence Staff to EUFOR Headquarters in Camp Butmir. During his visit General Striedinger, received an Honour Guard and had an office call with COM EUFOR.

During the meeting, they discussed the general security situation in BiH and the support of Austria as one of the biggest troop contributing nations to Operation Althea. General Striedinger then visited the Austrian contingent where he was briefed about the activities of Austrian soldiers within EUFOR.

On 03 May, General Striedinger continued his visit in BiH by meeting with Lieutenant General Senad Mašović Chief of the Joint Staff AF BiH in Sarajevo. Following this he visited the MNBN and the Aviation Detachment of EUFOR in Camp Butmir where he received briefings on the operations and challenges associated with this respective units.

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