EUFOR Camp Butmir was proud to hold an International Medal Parade for 180 Service personnel from 14 different Nations.
The soldiers, sailors and airmen based at Butmir and serving throughout BiH were addressed at the formal ceremony by the Commander of EUFOR, Major General Reinhard Trischak. He thanked all attending for their effort and dedication and the service they have provided in supporting local authorities to deliver a safe and secure environment.

Also in attendance to witness the parade was the Consul of the Republic of Poland to BiH and the Military Attachés to BiH of the Republics of Austria, Bulgaria and the Slovak Republic. COM EUFOR awarded the medals along with EUFOR Chief of Staff Brigadier General Ernő Baráth, Colonel Gökçegöz and Colonel Petkov.

As a single member within EUFOR representing Portugal, Master sergeant Moreira said;

“For me it is an honour to be part of the Story and the fact that all nations are here together as one has huge significance.”

The medal, bearing the name of the EU Operation Althea was first awarded in 2004 to every International member who serves with EUFOR. It is inscribed with the Latin phrase “Pro pace unum”, meaning “United for peace”.