On 31 May 2017, the Chief Of Staff (COS) EUFOR, Brigadier General SZPISJÁK, visited the Ammunition Storage Site (ASS) Krčmarice (Banja Luka) and Weapons Storage Site (WSS) Kozara in order to view the ongoing EUFOR activity of monitoring and mentoring the actions of AFBiH personnel in the areas of; weapons and ammunition storage, the physical security and control of weapon and ammunition stocks and also to engage with personnel of the AFBiH at all levels in order to ascertain any potential issues. The Brigadier General was particularly keen to identify how EUFOR can continue to support AFBiH efforts in all areas of WSS and ASS with regards to helping capacity building and training activities and also to the maintenance of a Safe and Secure Environment (SASE) in BiH.

Brigadier General SZPISJÁK told on a T54 main battle tank

Brigadier General SZPISJÁK told on a T54 main battle tank

At KOZARA barracks in Banja Luka the COS was met by the Deputy Commander of AFBiH Support Command, Brigadier General KNEŽEVIĆ. General KNEŽEVIĆ updated COS EUFOR on the current structure and deployment of Support Command, its Mission and the various subordinate Commands within its structure. The COS was particularly interested in the training of both soldiers and officers’, the procurement of materiel for use by the AFBiH and the maintenance of vehicles and equipment. After the briefing the Deputy Commander accompanied the COS on a visit of the surplus weapons storage areas within KOZARA Barracks, where he witnessed for himself the large amounts of surplus weapons and ammunition held by the AFBiH.

EUFOR has specific responsibilities for monitoring surplus heavy weapons held by BiH. These responsibilities stem from the OSCE sub regional Arms Control Agreement of 1996 and the surplus heavy weapons of the former Army of the Republika Srpska (VRS) are centralized at KOZARA Barracks. The surpluses stored include Main Battle Tanks M84 and T54/55, Armoured Personnel Carriers, artillery pieces of various calibers and Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridges. COS EUFOR was briefed on the quantities held and the serviceability of the holdings of the various equipment’s. COS stated firm control of these assets was vital to stability in the region and that EUFOR would continue to conduct its oversight tasks in cooperation with the Internal Inspection Teams of the AFBiH.

At ASS Krčmarice COS EUFOR met the Commander of the Logistic Battalion responsible for the ASS and the Commander of the ASS. After a briefing on quantities of ammunition held at the ASS, the ongoing 100% visual inspection and auditing of the ammunition held there and a discussion on Physical Stockpile and Security Measures in force at the ASS COS then visited an Explosives Store House containing Surface to Air Missiles and Surface to Surface Missiles.

COS then witnessed the ongoing 100% inspection of the 125mm Armour Piercing ammunition. The inspectors explained in detail what details of technical data they were capturing and what specific points they were examining on the ammunition itself. COS stated that they were undertaking very important work which was hazardous due to the unknown storage history of the ammunition and its age. COS reiterated that whilst it was necessary that they complete their task quickly and efficiently, he stressed that safety was paramount and reduced safety should not in any way be allowed to be introduced into the inspection system in order to make up time. COS thanked the inspection teams for their hard and diligent work and thanked the Commanders for their efforts.