NATO’s Kosovo Force Tactical Reserve Battalion deployment to Bosnia and Herzegovina, supporting EUFOR’s Exercise “Quick Response 2017”
Today troops from the Kosovo Force (KFOR) arrived at the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina, they have travelled from Kosovo through Montenegro in order to participate in Exercise “Quick Response 2017”. KFOR will participate in training with the EUFOR Multinational Battalion and Armed Forces BiH, local Law enforcement agencies and the European Intermediate Reserve Forces.
NATO’s Kosovo Force Tactical Reserve Battalion changing their badges from NATO to EUFOR for ready for Quick Response 17.
The NATO Kosovo Force Tactical Reserve Battalion acts as an ‘‘Over the Horizon Force’’ to reinforce the European Union Force (EUFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, if required. The convoys have transited through BiH over the previous day demonstrating EUFOR’s ability to move troops quickly throughout the country. The UK Intermediate Reserves arrived on Friday 6 October having deployed by air using an Antonov 124 cargo aircraft for strategic lift in to Sarajevo airport. EUFOR proving they can call in robust forces at short notice, as required.
KFORs Tactical Reserve Battalion is stationed at Novo Selo, Camp Marechal De Lattre De Tassigny. The battalion can be deployed anywhere in the theatre of operations and perform any task or mission for an unlimited period of time, being completely independent. The unit is commanded by a Hungarian officer and the unit comprises of Hungarian troops.
Major Levente Nagy from the KFOR battalion said: “NATO KFOR Tactical Reserve Maneuver Battalion came to BIH to take part in the Quick Response 2017 Peace Support Operation Exercise. Our presence on the exercise conducted by EUFOR is a good example of the excellent cooperation between NATO and EU based on the Berlin Plus agreement. We are looking forward to training together with BIH Law Enforcement Agencies who are taking part in the Quick Response Exercise series.”
During the first stage of the exercise the different units conducted internal training at platoon, company and battalion level. During the second phase all troops were united to a multi-national Battalion, which is currently training and reacting to tasking and incidents injected by the Exercise Control Team. With a Battalion sized force, EUFOR is able to complete the larger enhanced scenarios delegated to them. Reconnaissance and surveillance of wide areas has been carried out by all elements.
The key task of the exercise is to integrate BiH law enforcement agencies, Armed Forces of BiH and EUFOR ensuring they can exercise together in realistic scenarios, in order to test their respective contingency plans. Initially the training will be low level including patrolling in vehicles and on foot and checkpoint control. This will then intensified to more complex tasks. Under the guidelines given, the soldiers will exercise the use of minimum force to support the law enforcement agencies and Armed Forces BiH in order to maintain a safe and secure environment.
Commander EUFOR, Major General Anton Waldner said: “These scenarios were selected in order to allow the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Law Enforcement Agencies to test their tactics, techniques and procedures in dealing with a terrorist attack. This exercise will see, for the first time, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Law Enforcement Agencies, Armed Forces and EUFOR operating together to test their respective contingency plans.”
One of the key outcomes of QUICK RESPONSE 2017 is to allow EUFOR and all contributing nations to be able to conduct larger Brigade Level Peace Support Operations both home and overseas should they be called upon.
EUFOR Operation Althea is currently made up of soldiers from 15 EU member states and 5 partner nations. Its primary roles are to support local authorities to maintain a safe and secure environment if required and provide capacity building and training (CB&T) support to the Armed Forces of BiH. CB&T shall enable Armed Forces BiH to contribute to Peace Support Operations both home and overseas and to the overall EU comprehensive strategy for BiH.
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